Thursday, August 14, 2008

Yoga Fiend....and other things

So apparently I need to get better about this blogging thing. More than once every two weeks would probably be preferable. However, I don't actually have anyone who reads this, so really, the only person it matters to is myself....unless your out there in cyberspace reading without telling me, and if thats the case...then wow :)

I really started to get into the groove of being more healthy this week. I've notice that my body is starting to show OBVIOUS signs of this 50lb weight gain. Achy knees, painful hips, extremely tight muscles and a searing pain in my (R) shoulder blade that just won't go away. I wake up feeling like I'm 70 and that just isn't cool when one is 27. So what did I do? I went to Yoga.

Now, I've never been the type of person who would ever consider yoga. I'm just not into the whole "breathe through the pain, center your being, think about the breath and clear your mind" stuff. That might be because I have a mind that is constantly on the go, and the way I center my being and relax is to have a nap...but anyways. I went to my first yoga class at the gym on Tuesday. It hurt, it hurt a lot. I have no flexibility, my spine hates to sit up straight, my hip flexors don't want me to sit cross legged or on my knees. I walked away thinking I would never do it again.

Then I woke up the next morning. HELLO decreased body pain and loose muscles. So I went back again on Wednesday night. Class is growing on me slowly, the feeling of my body the next morning has grown on me completely. I might just end up a yoga convert.

In other news, I've actually tracked my food/points religiously since Monday. It feels good, eating lots of healthy food, writing things down, experimenting with new ideas. I weigh in at WW on Saturday morning for the first time in weeks. Expecting to see a gain (because of said weeks away), however it will be good to get a starting point again. Heres hoping I can keep this up at the cottage this weekend with G.

G is working nights tonight, so I'm by myself for dinner and decided to invent a new sandwich.

  • Pita Bun
  • 2 oz of BBQ chicken breast
  • 1 oz goat cheese
  • TBSP red pepper jelly
  • lettuce

Yum yum! I put the goat cheese on the bun and stuck it in the oven for a few minutes which melted the cheese into creamy goodness. I think it paired well with the red pepper jelly....mmm red pepper jelly. I think I might have to take this for lunch tomorrow as well!