Monday, November 3, 2008

boo hiss!

I'm feeling bloated and gross. We travelled this weekend. G volunteered for the Ontario Race Medical Team doing emergency response for Moseport Racetrack throughout the summer. We headed up to Toronto for the night on Saturday night (the perks to working for an airline!) to attend the end of the year banquet. It was great, however it means lots of eating out, and lack of hydration due to being on the airplane.

Adding to my feelings of bloating, is the fact that I haven't been able to work out since Thursday because of this:

This is what it looked like on Thursday when I sprained it.

4 days later its still swollen and sore and looking like this:

I show you both feet for comparison sake in terms of swelling. Please excuse my disgusting toes, I haven't had a chance to get a pedicure in a long time (its on the to do list I promise!)So yeah. Needless to say working out has not been top of the priority list. In fact, I managed to do this damage working out (go figure!)

I was just finishing my workout at the gym, and I steped down off a step and BOOM! Down I went. I have really bad ankles and do this at least twice a year, but it doesn't make it suck any less. In fact, this was my good ankle, which makes it seem worse! Luckily, it does give me an excuse to have G wait on me hand and foot...hehehe! Isn't he a good boyfriend!

Funny story about G and me. Our first date, ended up with a picture very similar to the above. We met online, and the first weekend we spent together (we were long distance) we ended the weekend at Peggy's Cove (unplanned) before I was going to drove him back to the PEI ferry. We're walking along the rocks (me in flip flops, I told you, it was an unplanned trip!) G says to me "Wow, someone could really hurt themselves on these rocks" yep, you guessed it, down I went! I twisted my bad ankle (the one that I've broken twice already and sprained AT LEAST 15 times) so we spent the next 9 hours at the hospital waiting for x-rays just in case.

Great first date eh? Wait, it gets better. We head home around 11:00. We hadn't eaten since 9:00 that morning so we stopped at Subway for G to grab a sandwich and head home. All is well, until about 7:00 am when G wakes up and complains about his stomach being upset. Minutes later, off to the bathroom he runs. Yep, food poisoning. We ended up back at Emergency to hook him up to an IV because he was so dehydrated. The admitting nurse was the same one who had been there the night before when we came in for my ankle. Talk about a memorable first date!

Our date this weekend at the banquet was less than remarkable in terms of good stories. But we had a good time, and I got to do some dancing with my man, which I love. When we returned we started unpacking the suitcases and Sully decided to help us out. So I leave you with a picture of our cute unpacking helper...


Jaime said...

Well at least that crazy first date worked out! Could you imagine if you had ended up hating each other when you met in person?

Hope your ankle is better soon!

Mon said...

oh goodness, if we'd hated each other it would have been a long weekend!

But three years later and all is well :)