Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Look what Santa brought me for Christmas....
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Toronto Lovin
G and I had a great weekend together this weekend, filled with fun and healthy food. We went to my company Christmas party on Saturday night at the Marriott, which was a ball! I drank a little to much wine, and had desert, but unlike last year I only had one slice of cake instead of everything on the desert buffet, so I feel like that was an improvement. Sunday we spent the day lazing around. Ate my homemade chili for dinner and I made a really yummy buttercup squash and apple soup made with apple cider. 2 points for 1.5 cups! Yay! Even G liked it.
Caught the early flight out to YYZ on Monday morning (3:30 am wake up..blah!) and have been training yesterday and today. Travelling for work is usually what kills me with Weightwatchers, however I'm feeling on the ball and in the groove this week.
There is a Country Style downstairs in my office building that we eat for lunch. In the past I'd grab a muffin, cookie, chocolate, big sandwich and not think about the calories or points. This week, I logged onto the Country Style website, looked at the nutritional information and figured out my points for lunch. I did the same for when I went to the Keg tonight.
As a result, this is what yesterday and today have looked like - BOO YAH!
B - english muffin with 2TBSP peanut butter and TBSP jam; H20; small hot chocolate (8 pts)
S - H20; granny smith apple (1)
L - Greek Wrap; 1/2 container brocolli chedder soup; diet pepsi (8 pts)
D - Diet Coke; 9 inch thin crust pizza with tomato sauce and 3 oz goat cheese (Estimate 12 points)
Total: 29 points (1 flex)
B - english muffin with 2TBSP peanut butter and TBSP jam; H20; small hot chocolate (8 pts)
L - Greek Wrap; diet pepsi (6 pts)
D - Keg - 7 0z Filet mignon (yum!), side spinach salad with dressing on the side, 6 oz of wine - (17 pts)
31 pts (3 flex)
Thursday, November 20, 2008
That being said, I did something today that I haven't done in many years on Weightwatchers. I made a HUGE pot of chili - white kidney beans, black beans, 3 kinds of peppers, corn, lean ground beef. My usual. Except my usual normally means throwing everything in the pot and gestimating the points per serving.
Not this time. Today I weighed and measured everything that went into the pot. I wrote down the nutritional information for all the ingrediants and I figured out the point values for each item, added it up and divided it out = 5.5 points per cup serving.
G is working nights this week which means leaving at 7 and I'm home at 7:30, so we're not seeing each other this week. But - he made dinner tonight. I gave him the recipe and wrote it out step by step (G is wonderful, but cooking is not his forte!) It was so nice to come home to a yummy meal. And what a good boyfriend he was, he measured out everything in the recipe and I ended up with a 5 point baked rigtoni dinner. Yay!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I was smart and got my snow tires put on last week -- however they only put on 2 of 4 because the other 2 weren't good anymore. I haven't bought new ones yet, so driving with 2 snow tires on the back and 2 summers on the front (in a front wheel drive) was an experience. I was doing well until the hill right before Lower Sackville when I went off the road (almost).
Big thank you to the random guy from IMP (who I didn't get the name of!) who was the first driver after 20 minutes of me being stuck who stopped to help. He pushed me on my way again and followed me part way with his blinkers on just in case. Yay for good samaritans!
Monday, November 17, 2008
yummy new sammie
Because things were cut short, I didn't get to the pool for the one night that I was there. By the time my boss and I got finished training, and headed back to the hotel, and checked in and ate dinner, the pool was closed. Boo :( But I think I managed to eat ok, ordered salad instead of a regular side with my meal, water to drink with dinner instead of wine. So I'm happy with how it went.
G and I had a laid back weekend. We got together with our upstairs neighbors and played Cranium on Friday night -- SOO much fun, I definitely want this game for Christmas. On Saturday I slept until 12:30 (ops!) and we had another couple over to watch the UFC fights (oh joys...catch the sarcasim?)
I tried a new idea for dinner on Saturday night, since we decided to eat at home instead of going out. When I was in Calgary, I had a reallly yummy quesidilla at Joey Tomatos, so I tried to replicate it at home - it was fantastic.
Spinach tortilla, with a small amount of pesto, goat cheese, BBQ chicken and roasted red peppers. Grilled on the stove until the cheese melts and gets all smooshy. YUM!
Dinners are planned for the week:
Tonight- WW crockpot sour cream salsa chicken
Tuesday: Crockpot black bean and smoked sausage
Wednesday: Baked Ziti
Thursday: Kickin Chicken and Rice
Friday -- who knows!
I start WW at work on Thursday and will be recommiting completley to writing down what I eat. I've been gearing up now for the past few days, but come Thursday I really need to buckle down and do this. 5 lbs by Christmas, thats my goal!
till next time
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Its a beautiful day in the neighborhood!
Todays eats:
B: 2 slices of whole wheat bread with peanut butter and lite double fruit jam
L: wholegrain pita with chicken mole/rice mix, 10z of lite chedder cheese and TBSP lite sour cream
D: greek chicken kebabs, roasted balsamic veggies with feta, whole grain pita with tzatiki. Yum!
I'm excited because I've joined WW at work starting Thursday with 14 of my co workers. Unfortunately I can't start until next week, as I'm away this week. But hopefully its the support system I need.
I'm headed to Calgary tomorrow until Friday to do some Respect in the Workplace training. Travelling is always my toughest time eating and exercising wise. But I have my swim suit packed (the hotel has a pool and my ankle is still a little stiff) and I've got some all bran bars and fruit source bars for if I get stuck in the airport. So we shall see how it goes.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
christmas is coming...
But now, its definitely obvious that Christmas is on its way, because today at the grocery store I saw Chapman's Peppermint Stick Ice Cream...mmmm.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
missing camera...
We can't afford to replace the camera right now, and the chances of finding it are likely slim to none.
We've called YHZ Lost and Found, we've called Air Canada in Halifax and we've left message with Lost and Found at Pearson. But really, whose going to turn in a 800.00 camera and extra lense?
Monday, November 3, 2008
boo hiss!
Adding to my feelings of bloating, is the fact that I haven't been able to work out since Thursday because of this:
This is what it looked like on Thursday when I sprained it.
4 days later its still swollen and sore and looking like this:
I show you both feet for comparison sake in terms of swelling. Please excuse my disgusting toes, I haven't had a chance to get a pedicure in a long time (its on the to do list I promise!)So yeah. Needless to say working out has not been top of the priority list. In fact, I managed to do this damage working out (go figure!)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
feelin groovy!
We travelled to PEI this weekend to visit G's parents and to see our friends Ken and Shaunna and their little girl, our "neice" Jessie.
PEI is generally a real test for me in terms of healthy eating. G's mom owns two freezers, one of which is full to the brim with different kinds of sweets/squares and homemade carrot cakes. Shes also the type of person who feels the need to have desert with every meal, and doesn't have a great concept of portion control. I can't begin to count the number of times we've had this conversation
"Monica, don't you want more of INSERT FOOD HERE"
"no thanks G's mom, I'm pretty full"
"are you sure, you haven't eaten enough to be full"
"yes I'm sure, I'm fine"
"Oh come on, you've barely eaten anything, just have a little more"
And normally the result of this conversation? I give in and eat more. Blah! This weekend went well though. We flew over Saturday morning and back Sunday. The only big Challenge was we had Thanksgiving dinner while there (since we couldn't get back over Thanksgiving), but I took small portions and no seconds. I was pretty proud of myself. Willpower, you will be mine!
Food for today:
B: (5)
1/2 cup oatmeal, 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce, 2 TBSP brown sugar splenda, cinnamon
cup of coffee, 1/2 lite hot chocolate
L: (9)
2 cups baby spinach, 3 oz roasted chicken, 2 TBSP crumbled feta, 7 rosemary croutons, Renee's lite greek dressing
vanilla Stoneyfield Farms Yogurt
S: (2)
lime coconut shortbread
lemon shortbread
D: (13)
4 small soft tacos, 2 TBSP lite sour cream, 2 TBSP shredded cheese, 1/4 cup refried black beans
29/26 -- 3 flex used
Have a good one everyone, G and I are off to the Gym.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
One day down...
Todays menu went like this:
Breakfast: 1 cup corn bran with 1/4 cup frozen blueberries
Last nights BBQ productivity, made for this little bit of lunch fabulousness
Snack: apple slices with almond butter and a lite babybell cheese
Dinner: 3/4 cup of beef stew sprinkled with TBSP shredded extra old chedder, and a whole wheat roll
After Dinner: 1 cup frozen red grapes
I went to the gym today and did 20 minutes on the bike and 20 on the Precor, not a lot, but a start. Heres hoping tomorrow goes as well!
random thoughts this morning...
- Our house computer is possessed. The CD tray has been opening and closing all night long on its own. It is currently doing so every few seconds as I type this....creepy!
- My cats are also crazy - evidenced by waking up at 4:45 am this morning to a howling, hissing, yowling ball of yellow and black fur rolling back and forth down the hallway for the next 20 minutes
- I love Corn Bran I could go into all the love I have for this crunchy goodness of low point cereal. However that would take forever and I need to get to work. Lets just say I bought two "Extra Large Trial Packs" for 1.00 each at Superstore last week, and I'm a happy woman.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
what's this...two in one day?
As I said previously, G is working night shift tonight - which runs from 8:00 pm - 3:00 am, leaving me all by myself. Normally this means one of two things:
1. If my depression is not in check I crawl into bed, lonely and lacking motivation to do anything but eat ice cream and watch crappy tv
2. I am really really productive.
Tonight was a night of productivity. In my attempt to continue down the road of healthy eating I made these:
I marinated chicken in lemon juice, oregano, dill, balsamic vinagar, olive oil, honey and garlic. I kebob'd the chicken and BBQ till done. I'm pretty proud as they look really yummy - and I normally burn everything I BBQ (please pretend you don't see the burn marks on the chicken in the above picture!) I have one kebob packed in my lunch for tomorrow with a large salad. The rest should last until Friday for lunches (provided G doesn't find them first!)
As mentioned, I've packed myself a healthy lunch for tomorrow, full of fruits and veggies goodness! I didnt' realize how long it had been since I'd packed a lunch, until I opened up my lunch box --- EWWWWW! I forgot about a banana that I'd left in there, lets just say it fermented and leave it at that.
I also threw all the ingrediants in the slowcooker for "Stew Good to Be True" to cook tomorrow. All I have to do is turn it on tomorrow morning before leaving and it should be smelling yummy by the time I get home. I love my slow cooker.
The kitchen is clean and I've been so productive, I figured I deserved a small treat:
A small pour of dads homemade strawberry fruit wine (in my MASSIVE wine glasses)!
That being said, I think I'm off to bed with my wine and the last few chapters of my new Faye Kellerman book.
To that end, I leave you with a picture of the handsome man who keeps me company when G is working nights:
hehehe, what did you expect? Please excuse G's sneakers. Sully has a foot and shoe obsession (he is so my cat!)
I'm home!!
Flew in from Montreal today and landed in Halifax this afternoon. I was supposed to work until 7:00 answering the phones for one of our union vacation bids, however the last bid came in at 6:15 so I was able to leave early. Which was great, because it meant I actually got to see G this evening before he left for work! Yay! He works nights and leaves at 7:00, when I work until 7:00 we never see each other (except when sleeping of course). Today I was home by 6:45 and we got some time together. Only 20 minutes, but it was 20 good minutes ;)
The other great part about coming home was that G was a great boyfriend and had put some stuff in the slowcooker, which meant that supper was ready and waiting for me when I got in the door. What a nice thing to come home to.
He was to cute - I had mentioned a few things he could toss in the slow cooker - chicken, corn, salsa. Thats fine, but he took it upon himself to spice things up a bit. He was so proud of himself.
So dinner tonight:
can of black beans
brown and wild rice blend
spiced with lime juice and a 1/2 bottle of Keiths
I sprinkled it with PC Southwestern shredded cheese and a TBSP of lite sour cream. YUMMY! Definitely a make again. Since G doesn't cook much, when he does and it turns out well he gets all puffed up like a peacock about it. I tend to stroke the ego a little bit as well (mainly in the hopes that this keeps him in the kitchen more often!)
Sunday, October 19, 2008
I'm a bad blogger!
Thank you as well, to the loverly ladies that commented on my last post. I was feeling pretty craptacular, and reading your posts upped my mood considerably. Thank you so much. Knowing I have some people reading as well, I think will help keep me accountable.
Its been a bit of a crazy week. 4 day work week always equals not enough time to get everything done, but then I also facilitated all day for Tuesday and Wednesday which means 2 less days to get things done. I'm a little behind on well, everything at work. I'm working on the programming for two new training programs for 2009, however what I want to have done by now and what I actually have done is not even comparable.
I'm teaching a one day course in Calgary tomorrow so I'm currently finishing up some laundry and doing some packing. I leave for YYC at 4:40, teach tomorrow, fly out tomorrow night to Montreal, overnight in Montreal and fly home to Halifax on Tuesday morning. Busy Busy! G is working nights this week to, which means more busy once I'm home.
I tried my best to prepare though, yesterday I spent a crazy day in the kitchen, I made a huge batch of chili and a batch of cauliflower soup to freeze for later. I planned to make squash soup, b ut that will have to be done on Wednesday once I'm home again.
Now the big challenge will be eating well on the road. Most of my weight gain this year has been as a result of lots of room service and eating in restraunts when I travelled. I've checked though, and my hotel has a gym so I'm hoping to at least get some exercise in!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
scary comparison...
I went to the wedding of a high school friend on labour day weekend. I bought a new outfit, and although I knew I was looking heavier than I wanted to, I still thought I was looking fabulous....not so much.
This is the picture she posted that caused me to totally go -- "whose that heavy girl....oh wait, thats me" (I am on the far left in the pink and brown flowered shirt)
I saw this picture, and I broke down in tears. I can't believe I've let myself get to this point. Particularly when 1.5 years ago I looked like this....


It was quite the wake up call, and really hit me....hard. I'm hoping this is what it will take so that I can stick with it and get back to where I was....hoping.
I can't believe I just posted that picture either for the world to see. I guess accountability at its finest.
In other news, I hit the gymbo today for the 2nd day in a row. 20 minutes on the bike and 20 minutes on the Precor later and I was feeling good. Not as good as I would have been had I not eaten all the candy I ate at work today. But hey, work in progress right?
I stopped by Chapters on the way home and picked up the second book in the Twlight Series (SOOO ADDICTED!) Is it wrong that I want to curl up in bed and start/finish reading this all tonight? I hope not, because that might be what I end up doing. G is working nights, which means little sleep for moi, and if I have a good book as well....well I just might be screwed in the sleep department tonight! I also picked up "The Beck Diet Solution Weight Loss Workbook". I've heard some really good things about this book on the WW board and other blogs. As I know most of my eating is emotionally driven, I'm hoping it will help to shed some light on why I do the things I do, and help me get some control over things.
Till next time
xo Mon
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
on a roll
Today went down like this:
Breakfast (5):
1 PC honey and oatmeal bagel
2 TBSP peanut butter and 1 tsp lite bosenberry jam
Snack (2)
2 Tootsie rolls
Lunch (10)
1 whole wheat pita
chicken and black bean taco filling
2 TBSP shredded nacho cheese
1 cup grapes
Dinner (7)
1 cup Melancauli baby soup
3 slices bagette
1/2 cup chocolate chapmans yogurt
Snacks: (7)
1/2 small package of gummi bears
2 girl guide mint cookies
1/2 cup red berry yoptimal yogurt
1/2 cup raspberries
I had a CRAZY sugar craving this afternoon, quite normal for me. What wasn't normal was that instead of going for the cinnamon bun, or the large bag of swedish berries or massive amounts of chocolate, I instead picked up a small bag of gummi bears and shared half with a friend (2 points instead of 4) and calculated the points for the girl guide cookies. I was quite proud of myself.
Tried something new for dinner tonight. Curried cauliflower soup with swiss cheese and whole grain rice in it. It was sooo yummy. I felt kind of bad, as I forgot that G doesn't really like thick and non brothy soups....ops!! as this was pureed and thick! He had a bowl, and ate it (but made a face) but then went back for another bowl, so I was quite proud of him :)
I'm feeling good about being back on track. First weigh in on Saturday and then I'm off to the cottage to see mom and dad for the weekend - that will be a challenge, but I think I'm up to it.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Feeling groovy...
I am now 6 pounds heavier than I was when I joined WW in 1999, and approaching 200lbs. If thats not enough to scare a person into recommitting, I don't know what is.
Today was a good day, made it to the gym, ate within my points.
Heres how it all went down
Daily Target - 25 points
Breakfast (4)
1 cup oatmeal with cinnamon, TBSP brown sugar splenda, 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce and TBSP raisins
Lunch (8)
1/2 portion of lemon ricotta chicken pasta
1 cup salad greens with boathouse farms honey dijon dressing
1 cup grapes
Dinner (10)
2 chicken and blackbean mole soft tacos
8 guiltless gourmet chips and salsa
TBSP lite sour cream
TBSP shredded nacho cheese
Snacks (5)
Oatmeal and cinnamon All Bran Bar
1/2 cup raspberries
1/2 cup vanilla yoptimal yogurt
Exercise: 20 minutes stationary bike
H20: 2L
Hopefully I can keep this up until weigh in on Saturday and see some progress :)
Monday, September 22, 2008
Grocery Day....again
Yesterday was grocery day again. Lots of healthy food, as G and I had a long talk on the weekend about how unhealthy/unfit we've become. We are talking about weddings in the future, and neither of us wants to look back on our engagement/wedding pictures and regret how we look. So back on track we go (seems like this is a revolving door syndrome, but hopefully this time it sticks for more than a few days).
As it was the first day of fall today, I thought it fitting that I reset my weight tracker to reflect the exact amount I have to lose (seems like such a huge number right now, very scary). I always view September as more of a clean slate/new start than even the new year. I don't know why it is, but it feels like I should be recommitting right now. I weighed in this morning and saw number that I've never seen in my life, even before I joined weight watchers back in 1999. Thats enough to scare me.
This week is going to be a real challenge for the two of us as a couple being healthy. We went out for an after dinner walk on Sunday which was nice, but won't happen again until next week. I work 8 am - 8 pm all week and G is working nights, 8 pm - 3 am. So really, we won't be seeing each other except between the hours of 3 and 6...when we are both sleeping!
As a result I have meals set and am planning to be a slow cooking fool this week (I hate cooking when I get home at 8). That means G can eat before he leaves and set some aside for me. Since this is a schedule that will be happening every second week until December, slow cooking leaves leftovers for freezing during busy weeks as well! Yay.
Supper plans for the week:
Tuesday: Braised beef and rosemary pasta sauce over rotini
Large Green salad with goat cheese
Wednesday: Black Beans and smoked sausage
steamed brocolli
crusty rolls
Thursday: BBQ pulled beef sandwiches on focaccia rolls
corn on the cob
Large green salad
Friday - Leftovers!
I leave you with Grocery pictures for the week :)
Non Produce: black beans, Knor boxed soup - Red and Orange, chili powder, canned tomatoes, lite chez whiz (for G) Source Exotic yogurt (for G), Yoptimal Yogurt (for me), egg whites, lite jam, lite chedder cheese, tzatiki, oatmeal, lara bars, green tea, crystal lite, fat free pudding mix, skim milk
Fresh stuff: head of brocolli, jalapano peppers, red peppers, bananas, corn, organic baby spinach, organic baby greens, red delicious apples, green peppers, crusty rolls and foccacia rolls, baby bagette, mini bagels, raspberries
Hope everyones having a healthy start to the week :) And a wonderful first day of fall
Monday, September 8, 2008
Grocery Day!
Seriously I do. I could grocery shop everyday and be totally content. Which was really bad when I worked at a Goodlife Gym located inside an Atlantic Superstore -- I used to shop every day on my way home from work...so much money out the window from lack of planning on those trips!
My favorite thing to do is to go late at night or early in the morning when noone else is in the store, pop in my IPOD and grab a cart and wander around the store, looking at new foods and thinking up new cooking ideas. It truely is a calming experience for me (crazy I know)
That being said, I hate shopping with a list, I'd rather just pick things up that look good and that I'd like to try. However this kills our grocery budget, because I end up either
a) getting things we already have
b) getting to much andwe end up throwing tons of food out, which is one of G's biggest pet peeve.
Since we've been trying to keep our grocery budget down to 80-100.00 every week, I've started to shop with a list as a result. Which sucks! But is saving us tons of money, so I guess I can't complain TOO much. And I still pick up the occasional fun food that catches my fancy - so not all fun is gone.
We got back from PEI today and our fridge was empty. G was working the night shift, which meant I was left alone to grocery shop to my hearts content!
Here is our loot:
Produce etc: organic baby romaine, bananas, red and green pepper, green onions, celery, red onion, vine tomatos, high bush blueberries, onions, shallots, avacado, shelled edamame, golden delicious and red delicous apples, green seedless grapes, and one huge thing of peanut butter
Everything else: skim milk, reduced sodium chicken broth, goat cheese, lite sour cream, tomato paste, can of diced tomatoes, can of corn, can of black beans, can of frozen oj (for recipes), lemon juice, lite cream (for butter chicken), yoptimal yogurt, egg whites, fresh mint, whole wheat pitas, whole grain cinnamon raisin PC Bagels, Dempsters Honey Wheat Bread (on sale, so I bought some for the freezer), Litehouse Honey Dijon Yogurt dressing (a new find that looked interesting)
mmmm, I can't wait to start cooking. Tonight I'm making a chunky chicken salad with cranberries and orange and pecans. Dinners for this week include imitation butter chicken, bruchetta pasta, and greek chicken skewers.
Yay for healthy eating!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Throwing the plans out the window.
Usually working from home = fantastic eating, as I find it really easy to eat healthy food when I'm home. It helps that I can actually cook things, or BBQ and not just rely on my packed lunch when what I'm craving changes. I had great plans for today to eat healthy (salad mainly) because G (aka the boy) and I are headed to PEI tomorrow to visit his parents, and thats ALWAYS a recipe for disaster. I love his parents, but their idea of healthy eating is only having 1/2 pound of bacon for breakfast instead of a pound, or only having 4 different types of squares for desert instead of 10. However, I digress.
So plan for the day was lots of low cal stuff in order to save some calories for the weekend, however that plan got thrown out the window this morning when I woke up to find that when G was in the freezer last night, he didn't close it all the way! Everything thawed, or was partly thawed. So I'm eating some of the thawed meat and stuff today.
On the menu:
Breakfast/Lunch: cinnamon raisin bagel with TBSP peanut butter
Supper: two chicken burgers with one pita bun
red pepper slices and tzatziki
I work at my second job tonight, so my evening snack will be: yogurt and some blueberries
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
and I'm back in the game!
I'm trying out the C25K program and this morning was supposed to be my first training day. However 12 minutes into my 25 minute program I started getting the usual, shooting pain in my shins. Me thinks its time for some new sneaks. I've had my Saucanys for over a year now (ops!) So next paycheck I'm going to take myself down to either the Running Room or Aerobics First and try out some new ones. Thats my favorite part of both stores, they let you try out the sneaks and if they don't work for you, you can bring them back and try out some other ones until you find the right shoe. Sweet!
That being said, C25k is on hold until the new shoes are bought, in the meantime I will be doing strength training and non running cardio -- but hey, its something right?
Eating today was awesome, totally on track, and I tracked all my food at http://www.sparkpeople.com/. I do WW (loosely!) however I wanted to start taking a closer look at WHAT I am actually putting in my mouth, how many carbs, protein, iron etc. I love that spark will track that for you...for free at that! Anyways, I tracked it all, 10 glasses of water and 1500 calories, which is right in my range. Yay!
Todays food (with food porn for your pleasure!) sorry the pictures aren't great. The lighting at work wasn't great today!
Afternoon Snack
cup of sliced red peppers
2 TBSP tzatziki
500 ml water (one of 5 today)
I don't have a picture of supper - but it was a herbed chicken burger on a thin pita bun with southwest sauce, 1/2 baked potato (no skin because the boy forgot to wash them before putting them in the oven) and 2 TBSP lite sour cream
Monday, September 1, 2008
Lazy Labour Day
I spent the day in my pjs with the cats watching 90210 reruns on TV. Part of me feels bad because there was SO much that could have been done around the house, the other part of me says, its a rare occurance that I actually spent ALL day alone and doing nothing, so I don't feel QUITE so bad.
And I did cook for dinner (even though I really didn't want to cook tonight, a rare occurance for me!) It was only pasta and sauce, but hey, a hot dinner was on the table for the evening, so noone can complain!
Stella - after a hard day of napping on the bedroom chair
Sullivan -- All he needs is a remote and a beer :)

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Yoga Fiend....and other things
I really started to get into the groove of being more healthy this week. I've notice that my body is starting to show OBVIOUS signs of this 50lb weight gain. Achy knees, painful hips, extremely tight muscles and a searing pain in my (R) shoulder blade that just won't go away. I wake up feeling like I'm 70 and that just isn't cool when one is 27. So what did I do? I went to Yoga.
Now, I've never been the type of person who would ever consider yoga. I'm just not into the whole "breathe through the pain, center your being, think about the breath and clear your mind" stuff. That might be because I have a mind that is constantly on the go, and the way I center my being and relax is to have a nap...but anyways. I went to my first yoga class at the gym on Tuesday. It hurt, it hurt a lot. I have no flexibility, my spine hates to sit up straight, my hip flexors don't want me to sit cross legged or on my knees. I walked away thinking I would never do it again.
Then I woke up the next morning. HELLO decreased body pain and loose muscles. So I went back again on Wednesday night. Class is growing on me slowly, the feeling of my body the next morning has grown on me completely. I might just end up a yoga convert.
In other news, I've actually tracked my food/points religiously since Monday. It feels good, eating lots of healthy food, writing things down, experimenting with new ideas. I weigh in at WW on Saturday morning for the first time in weeks. Expecting to see a gain (because of said weeks away), however it will be good to get a starting point again. Heres hoping I can keep this up at the cottage this weekend with G.
G is working nights tonight, so I'm by myself for dinner and decided to invent a new sandwich.
- Pita Bun
- 2 oz of BBQ chicken breast
- 1 oz goat cheese
- TBSP red pepper jelly
- lettuce
Yum yum! I put the goat cheese on the bun and stuck it in the oven for a few minutes which melted the cheese into creamy goodness. I think it paired well with the red pepper jelly....mmm red pepper jelly. I think I might have to take this for lunch tomorrow as well!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
feeling good!
I start thinking about food 24/7, as I eat I wonder when I will be eating next and what I will be eating next. It throws me off if I have planned 8 points for supper and then am really hungry for the day, eat more and end up with 4 points left for supper.
Instead the past 3 days I have been focused on healthy eating, and eating every few hours, and I think I've done really quite well with it. I haven't felt guilty, I haven't been hungry and I'm feeling great. (Despite the fact that I laid down at 5:00 today and slept till 9:00!! Ops!) So much for getting to the gym tonight!
Todays menu so far:
8:30 - 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt
1/2 cup fresh berries
1/2 cup fiber one
10:30 - 1 apple
2 TBSP almond butter
12:00 - weight watchers bagel with TBSP of becel spread
1 cup southwest corn and chipolte soup
1/2 cup fresh berries
diet grapefruit soda
2:00 - peppermint tea
chocolate chip allbran bar
5:00 - 2 oz of BBQ chicken breast
9:30 - 1 PC Burger first bun
TBSP lite cream cheese
TBSP red pepper jelly
3 oz BBQ chicken breast
baby spinach
TBSP guacamole
2 L of H20 drank.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Needless to say, this week will be a challenge. I always find it harder to stick to healthy eating when its vacation time or when I'm travelling. Probably part of the reason why I gained so much this year. With all the travelling I did for my job, it seemed like I was always "treating"myself when I ate in restraunts or was sitting at the airport.
Anyways, todays plan for food. G is taking his CPAT test for the fire department on Wednesday, so has requested pasta for dinner tonight and tomorrow, I'll have to work around that.
B - strawberries (1) , shillohette yogurt (1 cup) (2) , 1/3 cup kashi go lean crunch (2) , 1/2 banana (1)
L - tomato soup made with skim milk (2)
apple (1)
1 0z extra old chedder cheese (3)
D - bruchetta chicken pasta (tomatoes, 3 oz chicken, basil, olive oil, balsamic vinagar) 5
1 cup whole wheat pasta (4)
large green salad with peppers, red onion and goat cheese (1)
balsamic vinagar and olive oil (1)
Post Gym Snack - protein shake made with milk (2) and 1/2 banana (1) and frozen strawberries (1)
Gym plan: 1 hour bootcamp
"And I will call him Squishy...and he will be my little friend"
Its time to do something (once again). So I've decided to start this blog to track my progress in moving my body from jiggle, to squish to toned.
So a little back story to fill you in on things. My name is Mon, I'm a 27 year old Canadian who is trying, for the 11 thousandth time, to get to a weight goal of 145lbs.
I've been heavy my entire life, at least since puberty. I was always the "fat chick". In my final year of high school I lost 50lbs through Weight Watchers. After going to University I gained back 15-20 pounds and spent the next 6 years gaining and losting those 20 pounds, a constant yo yo, but generally hovering around 155-165 pounds. I was ok with that.
Then last year I was diagnosed with depression and put on anti depressants. The disease and the meds assisted in my gaining 40 pounds over this past year, which brings me back to my all time high of 190lbs. Where I said I would never be again.
So here I go, for one last and final time...trying to shed these extra pounds and get to a healthy weight of 145-150lbs. How? Through healthy eating (Weight Watchers), and a lot of gym time.
Welcome to my journey.